Wednesday 24 April 2013

Rhodes - Always

In the past few days, quite a few people on our Twitter feed have been ranting and raving about folksy singer/songwriter Rhodes.  Tidbits of information about him are rather sparse at the moment, but after a brief sweep of the interweb, this is what I know:

1. He is from Hitchin in England, which is where the inventor of the jet engine, Frank Whittle, was born.

2. His real name is David.

3. According to his Facebook profile, he is a fan of SOAK. This is very good indeed.

4. He counts Mr Radio 1 himself, George "guitars are back" Ergatoudis as one of his admirers

5. He recently spent some time in Norway writing and recording music.

6. His music is rather good indeed.

So here's "Always" for you, a lovely acoustic track with sumptuous Bon Iver inspired harmonies.

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